What do you love most about your job at Jay Harris Orthodontics?
I like that I get to work with kids on a daily basis.
What is your favorite color and why?
Coral is my favorite color because it’s so bright and will go with just about anything.
Have you ever had braces, Invisalign®, or another orthodontic treatment? If so, how old were you?
Yes, I had two sets of braces. My first set was just on top and I had an RPE at the age of 8. I had my last set at the age of 12.
Do you have any pets? If you do, what are their names?
Yes, I have one dog and her name is Gracie.
What can you be seen doing in your spare time?
In my spare time I like to spend time with my family and friends. In the summer we go to the river almost every weekend.
In your opinion, which famous celebrity has the best teeth?
I think Katherine Heigl has the best teeth because they are very straight and very white.
What is your all time favorite movie? If you had to guess, how many times have you seen it?
The Blind side is my favorite movie. I think I have seen it between 10 and 20 times.
If you could choose to do whatever you wanted all day and money was not an issue, what would you do?
I would choose to work with special education children if I could with money not being an issue.
What originally got you interested in a job in the orthodontic field?
When I first decided I wanted to be a dental assistant I did some volunteer hours with my orthodontist and absolutely loved it. I didn’t feel like I was working the whole time I was there and I was, and still am, very interested in everything orthodontics can do.
If you could have dinner with any 3 people, alive or dead, who would they be and why?
If I could have dinner with 3 people, dead or alive, I would choose my great grandparents on my mom’s side of the family, because I never got to meet my great grandmother and I was young when my great grandfather passed away and Jennifer Lawrence because she is one of my favorite actresses and she seems really fun to be around.