I have worked as a financial/insurance coordinator for 16 years. I started my career in the dental field in 1999. I have enjoyed working with D Harris from his first day in practice. It is a rewarding job assisting patients/parents with their financial and insurance needs. I am married to Kenny and have three children, Brandy, Jake, and Cody and two beautiful grandchildren.
What do you love most about your job at Jay Harris Orthodontics?
I meet so many new people in my position and enjoy working with them in all aspects of their orthodontic treatment. I strive to make it as financially stress free as possible.
What is your favorite color and why?
I consider myself to be a colorful person and like most colors but I think green is my favorite. It always looks best on me and I’m drawn to it when shopping.
Have you ever had braces, Invisalign®, or another orthodontic treatment? If so, how old were you?
I am the extreme orthodontic case patien I had braces as an adult and also required jaw surgery. I have extensive knowledge on class III cases!
Do you have any pets? If you do, what are their names?
I have two 4-legged babies that are kings of my house. Duke is a dachshund and is 15 years young and Skeeter (who needs canine orthodontia) is 10.
What can you be seen doing in your spare time?
Most of my spare time is spent loving and spoiling my grandchildren.
In your opinion, which famous celebrity has the best teeth?
John Travolta would be my pick of a beautiful celebrity smile.
What is your all time favorite movie? If you had to guess, how many times have you seen it?
Hope Floats is my all-time favorite movie and I have seen it probably 10 times. Sandra Bulloch is one of my favorite actresses.
If you could choose to do whatever you wanted all day and money was not an issue, what would you do?
If money was no object to me, I would treat my mother to a well-deserved vacation of her choice.
What originally got you interested in a job in the orthodontic field?
I was lucky enough to have had orthodontic treatment with Dr. Lawrence (who was the previous owner of Dr. Harris’s practice) and knew his staff and often thought it would be a nice environment to work in. Shortly after my treatment ended, the position of the financial/insurance coordinator became available and I have enjoyed my career here since that time.
If you could have dinner with any 3 people, alive or dead, who would they be and why?
My daddy passed away in 1993. I was a daddy’s girl. I could always ask him anything and not feel like it was a dumb question. I would love the opportunity to have a good conversation with him again.My husband’s father passed away shortly before I met my husband. I hear lots of stories about what a good man he was. I would love to have the opportunity to sit down and get to know him. My grandmother was my everything. She passed away in 1983 when I was expecting my first child. It would be great to be able to introduce my children and grandchildren to her and for them to know what a wonderful lady she was.
What do you love about living in Georgia?
I love Georgia because I was born and raised here. My family is here and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
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